

Learn and practice with counting by dragging the line from one to the finishing number in the correct order to complete the online line puzzle.

Line puzzles

Count the traffic lights in the middle of the map and race the racecar to the correct number to score points and learn to count.

MathRacer Counting

Count the number of beads and click the correct answer to score points, online free math counting games for kindergarten.

The Abacus

Learn and practice with math and counting for kindergarten online, put the numbers in the correct order by dragging them to the right boxes.

Number rows

Learn to count with our spin it puzzles, click as many animals as requested and then continue to the next puzzle to learn how to count.

Learn to count with SpinIt

Drag the puzzle piece to the missing number, if you get them all correctly you see the completed image, play to learn to count.

Number rows - Photo Puzzles

Click to play count memory math game, match the cards with the numbers with the cards with the same amount of blocks to complete the kids puzzles.

Count Memory

Try to escape the maze by following the numbers in the correct order, count your way out of the maze in this counting game for kindergarten.

Math-Maze Counting

Fill in the good colors by the right amount of numbers, count the dots on the blocks to know wich color to make them, math counting games.

Mosaic Counting

Put the numbers on the bottom in the correct order on top to see the whole picture and complete the puzzles, kids math puzzle.

Number rows

Fly the plane through the balloons while you count them and then fly to the correct answer to score points, but watch out for the other planes!

Cloud Math Count

Count the bees and then click the block with the correct number to go further in the beehive, continue doing this untill you escape.

Beehive counting

Find the matching number cards with the cards with the shapes, count the shapes and match them with the correct number, counting puzzle.

Count Shapes Memory

Count the fingers and find the matching number with them in our count fingers memory, find all the matching cards to finish.

Count Fingers Memory

Drag the correct answer to the question marks on top of the puzzle, guess the answers by counting all the figures in the grid.

Animal CountIt

Count the number of blocks on the bottom and drag the puzzle piece to the correct answer to complete the counting puzzles.

Practice counting with kids puzzles

Count the dices and put the correct number at the correct dice to complete the free and online counting puzzles for kindergarten.

Dice rows

Connect the dots in the right order starting with one all the way to the end to see the animal images, math at home games.

Animal dot-to-dot puzzles

Monster eyes - Counting

Monster eyes - Counting

Slice the correct answer with the ninja sword using your finger or your mouse, but dont slice the wrong answer or you will lose lifes.

Odd - Even Ninja

Put the numbers in the correct order starting with one all the way to the end to learn how to count for kids and kindergarten.

NumberTrack Puzzle

Drag the correct numbers to the blocks with the same amount of squares, answer the questions correctly by giving the right answers.

Count Linkpuzzle

Count the animal figures and drag the correct number in to the question marks on the top, online math counting games for kindergarten.


Learn and practice with counting online, kindergarten educational math game, click the correct number by the matching dices.

Counting with Dices

Count the numbers in the correct order as fast as possible to master the art of counting, online free math games and puzzles for kids.

Count, fast like a rocket

Mark the cells 1-100 with the defined color on the right, counting puzzle for kindergarten and kids from 1-10, free math games on Digipuzzle.

Mosaics - Hundred Charts

Race your racecar to the finish line first by getting it on the correct answers, chooose between greater and less then the given number.

Math-Match - Numbers

Move the astronaut the the correct number on the line to save him, but be careful if he is at the wrong place the spaceship cant help him.


Put the numbers in the correct order on the different caterpillars, learn to count with our fun and free math games for kids.

Caterpillar Number lines

Drag the columns to their positions by putting the numbers in the correct order, preschool counting puzzles.

Mix Puzzle - Skip Counting

Monster - Count the eyes

Monster - Count the eyes

Listen very well so you know wich box to press, make your way from the far left all the way to the right in our online beehive kids game.

Beehive 1-10

Practice counting with our online kindergarten beehive game for learning the numbers and counting, educational kids game online.

Beehive 11-20

Start at the left side of the beehive and move to the far right in this math counting game from 10-100 for kindergarten.

Beehive 10-100

Connect the dots with the line by dragging it in the right order across the game to see the cartoon animals and finish the puzzle.

Cartoon Line puzzles

Remove all the blocks by clicking them as fast as possible in the right order, try to set the highscore everytime, counting puzzle for kids.

Count Speed Puzzle

Connect the cards with the shapes with the cards that have the correct number on them, count to know the answers.

Connect-It Count shapes

Practice with counting from 1-20 with these online fun and free line puzzles for kids and kindergarten.

Kids Line puzzles till 20

Click the bubbles with the numbers as fast as possible in the correct order to practice counting for kids, try to get the highscore.

Number Bubbles

Count all the figures in the puzzle and click the correct answer to continue to the next questions in this fun math game for kindergarten.

How Many?

Count the rockets on the bottom left to unlock parts of the big rocket to construct it yourself, make your own rocket to fly to space.

Build a rocket - Counting

Count the shapes and drag them to the correct number with the same color as the shapes, kids math puzzle.

Counting shapes LinkPuzzle

Play online and free dominos counting math game for kids on digipuzzle.net, learn to count with our fun couting puzzles.

Domino - Numbers

Fun online dominos math game for practicing couting from 1-10, math games at home for preschoolers and kindergarten.

Domino - Dices

Practice counting from 21-40 with our online line puzzles, math games for kids and kindergarten, complete to see the cartoons.

Kids Line puzzles 21 till 40

Practice counting from 41-60 with our online line puzzles, math games for kids and kindergarten, complete to see the cartoons.

Kids Line puzzles 41 till 60

Practice counting from 61-80 with our online line puzzles, math games for kids and kindergarten, complete to see the cartoons.

Kids Line puzzles 61 till 80

Practice counting from 81-100 with our online line puzzles, math games for kids and kindergarten, complete to see the cartoons.

Kids Line puzzles 81 till 100

Complete the dice patterns to finish the puzzles and move on to the next, counting puzzles and math games for kids.

Dice Patterns

Drag the right amount of animals in to the zoo to continue to the next puzzle, the number is on the right top and the animals on the bottom.

DigiZoo Counting

Start at the top left and move through the maze by clicking only the even numbers untill you finish at the bottom right.

Odd/Even Maze

Click the right blocks with the correct color, the even numbers and odd numbers should be different colors to see the differences.

Mosaics - Odd/Even

Learn to spell the words of the numbers with our online and free numbers crossword puzzles on digipuzzle.net

Numbers - Crossword Puzzles

Click to play free and online slide puzzles, slide the numbers in the correct order for practicing to count for kindergarten.

Sliding Puzzle - 1-15

Color plates for kids and preschool, color the numbers in this free online math game and counting puzzle for kindergarten.

Color the numbers

Free online sudoku puzzles for practicing and learning counting, pack your suitcase with dices, online math counting games.

Pack your suitcase - Dices

Fill in the boxes with the right colors from the left side of the puzzle to see the colored image, online free math counting games.

Mosaics - Numbers

Click here to play beehive for numbers from 10-100, you start at the far left and you have to find your way to the far right to finish.

Beehive 10-100 - All Numbers

Memory - Tally Marks / Numbers

Memory - Tally Marks / Numbers

Tally marks - Animal puzzles

Tally marks - Animal puzzles

Beehive - Tally marks

Beehive - Tally marks

Count the Tin Soldiers

Count the Tin Soldiers

Find the differences - The Number Octopus

Find the differences -
The Number Octopus

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